The Karate Kid Part III Wallpaper

The Karate Kid Part III is the third film in the Karate Kid series, released in 1989. Directed by John G. Avildsen and starring Ralph Macchio, Pat Morita and Martin Kove, the film is the continuation of the adventures of Daniel LaRusso and his mentor, Mr. Miyagi.

The story begins shortly after the events of the second film, when Daniel and Miyagi return to Los Angeles. There, they are approached by Terry Silver, an old friend of Kreese, Cobra Kai's old karate coach. Terry convinces Kreese to use Daniel as bait to lure Miyagi into a trap so he can get revenge on Mr. Miyagi for defeating Kreese in the last karate tournament.

Meanwhile, Daniel finds himself at an impasse, having to face new challenges as he tries to deal with the changes in his life, such as his relationship with his girlfriend and the pressure of competing in a karate tournament again.

The film received mixed reviews from critics but was a commercial success, grossing over US$ 38 million worldwide. The film is remembered for its iconic soundtrack and the emotional moments between Daniel and Miyagi.

Wallpapers The Karate Kid Part III

Wallpaper The Karate Kid Part III

The Karate Kid Part III 1920x1080

Wallpaper The Karate Kid Part III


Wallpaper The Karate Kid Part III

Wallpaper The Karate Kid Part III

Wallpaper The Karate Kid Part III

Wallpaper The Karate Kid Part III