RWBY Wallpaper

RWBY is a Japanese anime-style web series created by Rooster Teeth. The story of RWBY takes place in the world of Remnat, filled with supernatural forces and dark creatures known as "Grimm's Creatures". Before the events of the series, humanity fought a battle of survival against the Grimm before discovering the power of a mysterious element called Dust, which allowed them to fight the monsters.

In the present day, Dust is used to power up magical abilities and weapons. Those who use these abilities to fight the Grimm are known as Hunters or Huntresses. The series focuses on four girls, each with their own weapon and powers. Together, they form Team RWBY at Beacon Academy in the city of Vale, where they are trained to become Huntresses alongside Team CRDL and Team JNPR. Check out the RWBY wallpapers!

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RWBY Wallpapers

RWBY Wallpapers

RWBY Images 3840x2160


RWBY in 4K

RWBY Images 3840x2160

RWBY in 4K

RWBY Images 3840x2160


Categories: Animes Wallpaper
