Lion wallpaper

The lion is a mammal belonging to the order Carnivora and family Felidae, being known as “king of the jungles” by many biologists and historians. In addition, the lion feeds on other animals, such as wildebeest and zebras, and lives in groups, which have well-marked divisions, with the male responsible for defending the group and the female for hunting and caring for the cubs in the general.

We separate some images in the form of wallpapers for your computer or cell phone and in 4K of Lion, great wild animal! Enjoy and share with friends! If you prefer, you can also suggest new wallpapers or themes for Coliseu Geek through our contact environment or in the comments!

Lion pictures 3840x2160

Lion Wallpapers

Lion Wallpapers


Lion pictures 3840x2160

Lion Wallpapers

Lion in 4K


Lion pictures 3840x2160

lion wallpapers


lion wallpapers

lion for mobile


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