Godzilla Singular Point Wallpaper

Godzilla: Singular Point is the result of a partnership between animation studios Bones and Orange. In the story, a mysterious song begins to play, attracting the first Kaiju to appear in the plot, the Rodans (a kind of pterosaur). Otaki workshop employees, Yun Arikawa and Haberu Kato, discover this frequency at the same time as the super gifted Mei Kamino, starting a journey that involves creatures coming out of the depths of the sea, scientific discoveries decoded, conspiracies and even time travel, but only with the information making that trip. Now, download the best Godzilla Singular Point wallpapers!

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Wallpaper Godzilla Singular Point

Wallpaper Godzilla Singular Point

Images Godzilla Singular Point 1920x1080


Godzilla Single Point in Full HD